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Middle Leaders Program

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

In the second half of 2022, Marist180 inaugurated a two-day program for our Middle Leadership group. This program was very positively received, with considerable affirmation and commendation from participants. The program attempted to address a range of different elements, including:

·         Time for self, to step away from work, breathe, take stock.

·         Time with colleagues, many of whom given the distance footprint, and program diversity of Marist180, seldom if ever get a chance to have significant time together.

·         Time for ‘formation’-personal and professional input and insights designed to enrich, deepen and extend the capacities of our Middle Leaders, from and through a human and Marist lens.

·         Time to relax, have fun, together alone, in beautiful rural surrounds.

Having been the beneficiaries in 2023 of this being largely facilitated by Br Tony Leon, we were again keen to engage with Tony, and build on, go deeper in 2024. On February 6 and 7, the Middle Leadership group landed at the Hermitage, Mittagong, for an excellent 2 days. As an affirmation of what the time promised, the group grew from 34 in 2023, to 51 this time round.

Day 1 featured our CEO, Peter Monaghan, working with the group in and on our Strategic Plan. Peter opened up the time with some ice-breakers, lead participants in reflection in groups about successes in 2023, and invited the sharing of this, questions and observations, and with much of this captured on Butcher’s paper, there will be a subsequent typing this up for analysis and consideration, for further work and next steps.

Tony then joined us for dinner, and post dinner had time playfully engaging in activities designed to bring fun, bend brains and add strategies and activities that have applicability and possibility for and with the Children and Young People in our care.

Wednesday dawned, and post breakfast a time of reflective walking invited reflection on the previous day, and what was surfacing for the group as Day 2 began. The remainder of the morning saw Tony skillfully and thoughtfully open us up to:

·         The value of the Marist virtues, in particular modesty.

·         How Marist virtues and values can positively shape and infuse our leadership, and ourselves.

·         The power of listening, seeking insights via questions and perspectives that enrich and offer much when invited from within the group-formed and informed by and through (Inner-Outer) circles.

·         Framing our work as the drawing out, the removing of obstacles and impediments for and with others-akin to the work of a sculptor, and practically engaged and experienced as each person created their own ‘soap sculptures’.



There were many memorable elements of the time-being together, being at the Hermitage, being more than doing, and being in the hands of Peter and Tony, two knowledgeable and gifted facilitators. Among the many positives captured in the Evaluation, the following thoughts were offered:

‘I had an amazing time, I wasn't sure what to expect but I found it really inspiring and provoking, I liked the inquisitive nature which makes you look within and to others. I think this was a really great experience for all and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity for reflection and self-growth.’


‘Love the Inner Circle, Outer Circle-this session supported the organisation more than most will understand.’


‘I loved every bit of the time spent building relationships with others and creating a more positive culture within middle leaders, which will flow onto our care teams and our staff on the floor, once again thank you.’


All in all, a great time for many. A final word then, left to Bryan and Tony, on success-a poignant vignette we can all benefit from:


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