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Harmony Week 2024

Last Thursday Marist180 celebrated Harmony Week, which recognises our country’s diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.

It was a wonderful day celebrating traditions, full of stories and laughter. At our various locations, our diverse staff came together with dishes from diverse cultures to share with their colleagues.

As we gathered for a delicious lunch spread from around the world, we asked some of our staff to share what this celebration means to them:

"There's a very strong sense of belonging and togetherness. Growing up here has instilled a lot of appreciation in me for the rich and diverse culture that Australia has. Australia really is a melting pot of cultures". Shreya

Reflecting on my time here in Australia, I’ve been fortunate to experience the beauty of cultural diversity firsthand. Let’s continue to embrace and appreciate the richness of cultures that make our community truly special”. Monica

When enough people come together, then change will come, and we can achieve almost anything. So instead of looking for hope, start creating it. Harmony day was amazing for me as I felt I’m in part of variety cultures but have same mindsets”. Amir

Australia is such a beautiful land where we are celebrating different culture, diversity, unity and Peace”.  Payal

Let's continue to embrace and celebrate each other's cultures every day.

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