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Our People

Our management team has the skills and expertise to create meaningful change. Our team is passionate and dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of our clients and the community we serve.
Mr. Peter Monaghan

Chief Executive Officer

Qualifications: FIML, GAICD, MBA, MSc (Psy), MCL, JCL, Grad Dip Counselling, BSc (Psy), BTh

Peter has worked extensively in the community and social services sector for more than 30 years, from frontline roles to management. He has senior management experience across policy and legislation, program and service delivery within Government, and more recent executive appointments within Catholic social services. Peter continues to transform agencies challenging the status quo, building performance, activating contemporary corporate governance and ensuring the mission is congruent with the heart and soul of the agency. 

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Ms. Julie Collier

Director Therapeutic Services

Qualifications: MA (Mental Health), GradCert.CFH, RM, RN

Julie has worked within NSW government and community programs over 30 years, providing support for vulnerable families and communities impacted by complex trauma. She has worked in clinical and senior management roles, driving related evidence based practices, legislation, and professional standards of care to optimise health outcomes for children, young people, and families. Julie has also worked extensively with Aboriginal families and communities and strives to ensure organisational governance aligns with cultural considerations. She has facilitated University education, presenting her research at National and International conferences related to the complexities of mental health and adverse life experiences, aiming to shift social stigma and create opportunities for social acceptance of mental health concerns. Julie was selected to participate in the 2023 Marist Pilgrimage that has further developed her leadership and spiritual capacity. 

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Mr. Gordon Fraser

Chief Financial Officer

Qualifications: CPA, MPA, Dip.FinPlan, BEc

Gordon has worked in the financial services sector for over 20 years in the areas of Banking, Superannuation, Investments, and Insurance. He has been the finance lead on several business transformation initiatives to improve reporting, efficiency, accountability, and performance. His experience has been across large and medium organisations including NAB, MLC, AMP - Superconcepts, Telstra, Qantas and AGL.  He is a fact-based purpose driven leader who enjoys partnering with the business and developing insights and strategies to drive business performance.


Mr. Patrick O'Reilly 

Director Mission, Inclusion and Identity

Qualifications: B.Ec (Merit), GradDipEd, GradDipMin, MA (Merit), MEdPol (International)

Pat has 30 years’ experience in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education, including being Foundation Principal at Southern Cross Catholic Vocational College, Burwood, NSW. More latterly, he is in his second leadership role in the Catholic Social Services/For Purpose (FP) sector. He has extensive experience in community/FP volunteering and engagement, including Board and Committee membership, and is committed to aligned and coherent mission-focussed service delivery. Pat served as a Director on the Lasallian Mission Council 2021-2023, and is currently Secretary at Randwick-Botany Harriers. In 2011, Pat was the 2011 Australian College of Educators (ACE) recipient of the Alan Laughlin Perpetual Award for Educational Leadership. He was a member of the Australian Government Review of Senior Secondary Pathways (Expert Panel): 2019/2020. 

Ms. Megan Sprague

Senior Manager Governance & Risk

Qualifications: BBA, BFA (Hons)

Megan has 20 years senior management experience in public listed organisations and the community sector.  Megan has worked extensively in achieving workplace relations reforms, improving safety practices, and implementing government led initiatives such as the Local Area Coordination under the NDIS.

Inspired by the courage and passion of people facing and overcoming injustice, Megan works in partnership with client services and business units, to enable the continuous improvement of strategically aligned services and sustainable business practices, to achieve positive outcomes for vulnerable persons in need.

When not working, Megan is an avid nature-lover spending her time in the outdoors bush walking, and twitching.

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